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Ethical And Legal Issue Aspect Analysis Of Bio-banking Development In Indonesia
Nur Atik
Universitas Padjadjaran, 17th FERCAP International Conference at All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 19-22 November 2017
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, 17th FERCAP International Conference at All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 19-22 November 2017
Bio-Banking, Ethic, Indonesia, legal
In the past decade, Indonesia’s Government through Ministry of Health has issued the guideline book for health research ethic. This guideline organizes all ethical aspects of research including archived biological materials. At the same time, there have been some considerable changes in the research environment. The changes include the development of research for answering the people’s need such as research to figure out the molecular mechanisms and development of novel drug therapy of specific diseases. These kind of researches need acquisition of new approach in genetic technology, database system for information storage of genotypic and phenotypic data, along with data sharing protocol for research and collaboration with other institutions, nationally or internationally. These changes present a challenge for our institution to protect the rights and obligations researchers and subjects, as well as the ownership of research sample. In response to these challenges, our institution has always tried to do best practices for addressing the legal, ethical, and social issues of bio-banking for archive biological materials. Within this talk, we would like to present the recent and future condition of the developments Bio-banking system in our institution.