Pemanfaatan kompos sampah plus Trichoderma harzianum sebagai media tanam dan agen pengendali penyakit rebah kecambah (Rhizoctonia oryzae) persemaian padi organik – The use of mixed domestic waste compost and Trichoderma harzianum growth and effective control medium against Rhizoctonia oryzae on organic paddy seedling
domestic waste compost, paddy seedling, R. oryzae, T. harzianum
Damping-off disease caused by R.oryzaei is one of the most important diseases on paddy. One of control methods on the disease is the use of antagonistic microbe T. harzianum. Appropriate growth medium is needed for optimal growing of this fungus. This research was aimed to test the possibility of domestic waste compost as growth medium of T. harzianum so that can be used as organic paddy seedling growth medium and provide suppression of damping-off disease on paddy seedling.
The experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design consisted of 9 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were mixed composition dosages between compost and T. harzianum that grown in mass culture medium of dedak and serbuk gergaji. Inoculation of R.oryzae that growth in rice mass culture medium (dosage of 10 g/bamboo box) was in the same time of T. harzianum application.
The results showed that application of compost combined with T. harzianum in all tested mixed composition dosages suppressed the disease incidence of damping-off on paddy seedling with the effectiveness level above 80%. Mixed composition of 100% compost and pure culture of T. harzianum gave the highest conidial density of T. harzianum and suppressed the disease up to 95.94%.