Proceeding Biotech
Antimutagenic Effect Of Chinese Cabbage ( Brassicarapa L Cv. Caisin Group ) Extract On Chromosomal Aberration In Mice
Supartinisyarif, Arifin S Dwipairsyam, Sri Rahayu Rejekiningsih
bone marrow, chinese cabbage extract, chromosomal aberration, lead acetate, mice
This study was conducted to evaluate the antimutagenic potential of chinese cabbage ( Brassicarapa L. cv Caisin Group ) extract against chromosomal aberration produced by mutagen ( lead acetate ) in mice. Chromosomal analysis was carried out in bone marrow cells following administration of five doses of chinese cabbage extract ( 2mg/kg bw; 5 mg/kg bw;16 mg/kg bw; 49 mg/kg bw; and 156 mg/kg bw). The extract were given in the days of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. The single dose of mutagen (3025 mg/kg bw) was given in the days of 5, 9, and 13. The result indicated that chromosomal aberration were significantly reduced (P< 0.05) by plant extract treatment. The study revealed that chinese cabbage extract decreased the number of chromosomal aberration in a dose dependent manner. The types of chromosomal aberration observed included: gap chromosome, ring chromosome, fragment, triradial, stickiness, lost fragment, micronuclei, and numeric aberration.