The Effect Of Ration Contains Bio-sludge Toward Carcass And Meat Production Of New Zealand White Cross Male Rabbit
Husmy Yurmiati, Abun, Dwi Indah Nurlaeli
Bio-sludge, carcass, meat weight, Slaugtering
The purpose of the research was to know the level of Bio-Sludge in ration toward carcass and meat production of New Zealand White cross male rabbit. The research was conducted on Hegarmanah village at district of Jatinangor West Java Indonesia. The research used Completely Randomized Design with five treatmen on level Bio-Sludge, there Ro (0 % Bio-Sludge), R1 (5 % Bio-Sludge), R2 (10 % Bio-Sludge), R3 (15 % Bio-Sludge) and R4 (20 % Bio-Sludge), those were repeated five times. Data was analyzed with variance analized, then continued with Dunnett test. The result of research indicates that using 20 % Bio-Sludge level in ration have not influence carcass and meat rabbit production and give the same result with ration without Bio-Sludge (slaughter weight 1730-1753,2 g , carcass weight 865,21 – 883,96 g, meat weight 528,13 – 574,32 g) and application level of ration 20 % Bio-Sludge can be used in ration arrangement of rabbit.