Performans Produksi Telur Dua Strain Ayam Arab Yang Dipelihara Pada Sistem Kandang Yang Berbeda (Egg Production Performance From Two Strains Of Arabic Chickens Reared At Different Cage System)
Tuti Widjastuti, Dani Garnida, Halita Purnamasari,Rachmat Wiradimadja
cage, golden arabic chicken, litter, production performance, silver arabic chicken
p>The study aimed to determine the performances of two strains of egg production of local chicken reared at different cage systems have been implemented for 75 days. Research using chicken arabic silver and golden, each of which consists of 60 chickens.Research using experimental methods with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), each of which was replicated six times with four different treatment combinations, ie silver arabic chicken on the litter system (T1), golden arabic chicken on the litter system (T2), silver arabic chicken on the cage system (T3), and golden arabic chicken on the cage system (T4). To test the difference among the treatments, were tested using orthogonal contrast test.The results showed that the system is the use of cage chicken cage in the arabic golden egg production produce the best performance compared with other treatments