Kinerja Komunikasi Pemasaran Dan Kualitas Jasa Dalam Meningkatkan Citra Perusahaan Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Survei Pada Pelanggan Perum Pegadaian Jawa Barat)
Hilda Monoarfa
citra perusahaan loyalitas pelanggan, Corporate Image, customer loyalty, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Kualitas jasa, Marketing Communication, SEM, SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), service quality
Dewasa ini persaingan dalam bisnis gadai cukup pesat, hal ini dilihat dengan banyaknya bermunculan gadai-gadai swasta dan gadai syariah yang ditawarkan oleh bank pemerintah dan swasta. Untuk itulah Perum Pegadaian dituntut untuk mempertahankan pelanggan yang ada, dengan cara memahami keinginan pelanggannya dan menilai seberapa baik kinerja mereka dimata pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis: (1) Kinerja komunikasi pemasaran, kualitas layanan, citra perusahaan dan loyalitas pelanggan; (2) Pengaruh kinerja komunikasi pemasaran dan kualitas layanan terhadap citra perusahaan baik secara simultan maupun parsial. (3). Pengaruh kinerja komunikasi pemasaran dan kualitas layanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan baik secara simultan maupun parsial. (4). Pengaruh citra perusahaan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif & verifikatif. Populasi sasaran yang diteliti adalah seluruh pelanggan Perum Pegadaian di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sampel diambil dengan teknik Stratified sampling dengan ukuran sampel sebesar 250 pelanggan pada 9 kantor cabang Perum Pegadaian di Jawa Barat. Model pengaruh dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling/SEM mengingat model tersusun atas sejumlah hubungan kausal antar variabel laten. Hasil penelitian ini mempunyai kesesuaian dalam menjelaskan keterkaitan antar variabel. Diperoleh hasil bahwa Kinerja Komunikasi Pemasaran dan Kualitas jasa berpengaruh secara simultan dan parsial terhadap Citra Perusahaan, di mana pengaruh Kualitas jasa lebih dominan. Kinerja Komunikasi Pemasaran dan Kualitas jasa berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan, di mana secara parsial lebih ditentukan oleh Kinerja komunikasi Pemasara. Citra berpengaruh terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan.
Today the competition in the mortgage business is quite rapidly, it is seen by many emerging-lien mortgage and private mortgage offered by the Islamic, goverment and private bank.. That’s why Perum Pegadaian required to retain existing customers, by understanding customers expectation and to assess how well their performance . The objectives of this research were to know and to analyze of: 1. Marketing communication performance, service quality, corporate image and customer loyalty. 2. . The influence of marketing communication performance and service quality on corporate image, partially and simultaneously. 3. The influence of marketing communication performance and service quality oncustomer loyalty, partially and simultaneously. 4. The influence of corporate image on customer loyalty. The research used verification & descriptive type. The target populations in this research were the customer’s entire of Perum Pegadaian in West Java Province. The number of samples were 250 customers which there collected by stratified sampling on 9 Branch office in West Java. The models of the influence among the variables were analyzed by using Structural Equation Model (SEM). This model was used because it consists of some latent variables which have causal relationship. The analysis of the model being investigated showed that the model has goodness of fit in explaining the relationship among variables. Further, it was found that Performance of Marketing Communication and Service Quality have simultaneously and partially influence on corporate Image, in which the influence of Service Quality is higher than that Performance of Marketing Communication. In addition, it was found that performance of Marketing Communication and Service Quality have simultaneously influence on customer loyalty, in which partially it was more determined by performance of Marketing Communication . corporate image influence on customer loyalty. Whereas,. Loyalty was simultaneously influenced by Performance of Marketing communication, Service quality, corporate Image , in which partially it was more determined by corporate image.
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