A Simple Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Measuring Device: An Inexpensive Altemative
Dedi Fitri Yadi
endotracheal cuff pressure, pilot balloon, pilot balon, tekanan balon pipa endotrakheal
Latar Belakang dan Tujuan : Mengukur tekanan balon pipa endontrakheal dengan merasakan pilot balon merupakan metode yang tidak akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat alat sederhana untuk mengukur tekanan balon pipa endotrakheal dan membandingkan hasil pengukuran dengan alat standar pengukur tekanan balon pipa endotrakheal. Metode: Alat sederhana pengukur tekanan balon pipa endotrakheal dlbuat dari three way stopcock, pipa karet, manometer aneroid dan spuit 10 cc. Penelitian dilakukan pada 53 pasien dewasa, ASA 1 dan 2, untuk operasi elektif dengan pembiusan total yang dilakukan intubasi endotracheal. Pada kelompok 1 balon pipa endotrakheal dikembangkan mencapai tekanan 20 mmHg dengan alat eksperimen. Kemudian threeway stopcock diputar sehingga terhubung dengan alat standar untuk mengukur tekanan balon pipa endarakheal. Pada kelompok 2 balon pipa endotrakheal dikembangkan mencapai tekanan 20 mmHg dengan alat standar. Kemudian three way stopcock diputar sehingga terhubung dengan alat eksperimen untuk mengukur tekanan balon pipa endotracheal. Pada kelompok 3 tekanan pipa endotrakheal dikembangkan dengan pengukuran dengan alat eksperimen dan alat standar pada saat yang sama. Hasil: Pada kelompok 1, 2 dan 3 membandingkan hasil pengukuran tekanan pipa endotracheal dengan alat eksperimen dan alat standar menunjukkan tidak ada prerbedaan (p<0,05).
A Simple Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Measuring Device: An Inexpensive Altemative
Abstract : Background and Objectives : Estimation of endotracheal cuff pressure by palpating the pilot balloon is unreliable for measuring endotracheal tube cuff pressure. The objective this research is to create a simple endotracheal tube cuff pressure measuring device and to determine the efficacy of the device by comparing the measurements obtained with that of a standard endotracheal tube cuff pressure measuring device. Methods: A simple endotracheal tube cuff pressure measuring device was created using three way stopcock, rubber tubing, aneroid manometer and 10 ml syringe. 53 ASA 1 or 2 adult patients for elective operations under general endotracheal anesthesia were included in this study. In the group 1, the endotracheal cuff was inflated to achieve a cuff pressure of 20 mmHg using the experimental device. After which the three way stop cock were turned that enabled the standard device to measure the cuff pressure. In the group 2 the endotracheal tube cuff was inflated to achieve a cuff pressure of 20 mmHg using the standard device. After which the three way stop cock were turned to enabled the experimental device to measure the cuff pressure. In the group 3, the endotracheal cuff was inflated to achieve a cuff pressure of 20 mmHg using the experimental device. The three way stopcocks were positioned in such a way that the cuff pressure may be measured simultaneously by both devices. Results: In group 1, 2 and 3, comparing the intracuff pressure measured using the standard device and the experimental device showed no statistical significance difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: The intracuff pressures measured using this device is exactly the same as the values obtained using the standard device.