Agent Lisbon’s Strategy In Practicing Power Toward Super-Ordinate, Co-Worker, And Sub-Ordinate In Fiction Movie ‘The Mentalist’: A Sociopragmatic Analysis
Eryanti Putri Siahaan
agent lisbon’s, co-worker, ipracticing power, Strategy, sub-ordinate in fiction movie, the mentalist, toward super-ordinate
Dalam penelitian yang berjudul Agent Lisbon Strategy in Practicing Power toward Super-ordinate, Co-worker, and Sub-ordinate in Movie Fiction ‘The Mentalist’: A Sociopragmatic Analysis, penulis menganalisis strategi-strategi apa yang digunakan Agent Lisbon terhadap partisipan-partisipan dalam percakapan (atasan, rekan kerja, dan bawahannya) dalam menerapkan kuasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis setiap percakapan yang digunakan Agen Lisbon dengan berbagai strategi pragmatic yang dia gunakan dalam menerapkan kuasa, tidak terlepas dari hubungannya dengan partisipan lain, yakni sebagai atasan, rekan kerja, dan bawahan. Dari sana, akan didapat variasi strategi yang digunakan, tidak terlepas dari perubahan peranan dan status Agent Lisbon dalam sebuah institusi, untuk menerapkan kuasa Penelitian ini menerapkan metoda kualitatif deskriptif. Untuk kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan teori kualitatif grounded oleh Strauss dan Corbin (1990). Sumber data utama diperoleh dari percakapan Agen Lisbon dengan partisipanpartisipan lain (atasan, rekan kerja, dan bawahan) dalam film fiksi The Mentalist, dipublikasi tahun 2008. Data berupa percakapan tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan strategi yang digunakan baik terhadap atasan, rekan kerja, dan bawahan oleh Agen Lisbon dalm menerapkan kuasa, strategi tersebut berdasar teori Lyons (1977), Thomas (1995), Leech (1993) dan Brown and Yule (1995). Disamping itu, konsep kuasa diambil dari teori Fairclough (1995) untuk membantu menghadirkan jarak sosial antara partisipan yang tercipta dalm percakapan, kemudian dapt dilihat jelas perbedaan/variasi kuasa. Variasi jarak sosial tersebut, oleh Scollon and Scollon (1995) lebih dikenal dengan atasan, rekan kerja, bawahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat bermacam strategi oleh seorang partispan (Lisbon) untuk menerapkan kuasa kepada partisipan-partisipan lain, terkait dengan tiga peran/status yang ia miliki, yaitu hubungan dengan atasan, hubungan dengan kolega/rekan kerja, dan hubungan dengan bawahan.
In this thesis, which is entitled Agent Lisbon Strategy in Practicing Power toward Super-ordinate, Co-worker, and Sub-ordinate in Movie Fiction ‘The Mentalist’: A Sociopragmatic Analysis, the present writer does an analysis of what strategy used by Agent Lisbon to practice power toward her super-ordinate, her coworker, and also her sub-ordinate through conversations. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the conversations to find out which strategy used by Agent Lisbon to practice power toward her super-ordinate, her co-worker, and her sub-ordinate so that we could see the various strategy to show the change of Agent Lisbon’s institutional roles in practicing her power. This thesis uses Qualitative Descriptive Method. For Qualitative, this thesis uses Qualitative Grounded Theory by Strauss and Corbin (1990). The primary data for this thesis are taken from the conversations between Agent Lisbon to many other participants (her super-ordinate, her co-worker, and her sub-ordinate) in series movie fiction The Mentalist, published on 2008. The conversations are analyzed based on the strategy applying Lyons (1977), Thomas (1995), Leech (1993), Brown and Yule (1995) theories then the conversations will show which strategy Agent Lisbon used toward her super-ordinate, which strategy Agent Lisbon used toward her co-worker, and which strategy Agent Lisbon used toward her sub-ordinate in practicing power. Theory of power by Fairclough (1995) will complete this thesis to conceptualize social distance between participants, and then will tend to be perceived as difference in power. That is what the present writer refers to super-ordinate, co-worker, and subordinate, Scollon and Scollon (1995). The result of the research shows that there are various strategies used by participant (Lisbon) to practice power over the other participants, including three [social] relationships in one institution, which are, the super-ordinate, the co-worker, and the sub-ordinate.
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