Pengaruh Meniran Dalam Pakan Untuk Mencegah Infeksi Bakteri Aeromonas Sp.Pada Benih Ikan Mas (C. Carpio)-Effect Of ‘Meniran’ In Woof In Order To Prevent The Common Carp’s Seed From The Bacteria Infection Of Aeromonas Sp
Ine Maulina, Kiki Haetami dan Junianto
bacteria aeromonas sp, bakteri aeromonas sp, common carp’fishes, ikan mas, meniran, pakan, woof
Penelitian mengenai pengaruh meniran dalam pakan untuk mencegah infeksi bakteri Aeromonas sp. pada benih ikan mas (C. carpio) telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hewan Air Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan UNPAD. Pelaksanaannya dari 10 Juli sampai 21 Agustus 2006. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas enam perlakuan dan tiga ulangan yaitu dosis meniran dalam 1 kg pakan 0 g/kg, 5 g/kg, 10 g/kg, 15 g/kg, 20 g/kg dan 25 g/kg selama satu bulan. Setiap perlakuan menggunakan 10 ekor benih ikan mas berat + 3 gram. Setelah satu bulan diberi pakan kemudian dikohabitasi dengan ikan mas yang terinfeksi bakteri Aeromonas selama satu minggu. Analisis data untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan mas digunakan uji F, sedangkan untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan antar perlakuan digunakan uji Duncan taraf 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian meniran dalam pakan ikan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pencegahan infeksi bakteri Aeromonas sp. dan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan serta kelangsungan hidup benih ikan mas. Dosis meniran 20 g/kg pakan memberikan kelangsungan hidup tertinggi sebesar 80 persen.
The research about the effect of ‘meniran’ in woof in order to prevent the common carp’s seed from the bacteria infection of Aeromonas sp. has been held in the Water Animal Physiology Laboratory at the Fishery and Marine Science Faculty in UNPAD. The research has begun since July 10 until August 21, 2006. The research used the experiment method for its research methodology using the randomized complete design. The design consists of six treatments and three repetitions of ‘meniran’ concentration in 1 kg of woof for a month in feeding. The concentration of ‘meniran’ for each kg of woof are 0 g/kg, 5 g/kg, 10 g/kg, 15 g/kg, 20 g/kg, and 25 g/kg. Every treatment used 10 fish’s seeds of common carp that have weight more or less than 3 g. After a month in feeding, the fish’s seeds are kept together with another common carp fishes that have already been infected by the Aeromonas sp. bacteria for a week. The data analysis to find the effect of treatments to the growth and viability of common carp’s seeds used the F-test, whereas the Duncan-test of 5 percent of significance is used to find the differences of each treatment. The result shows that ‘meniran’ has given a significant effect to the fish prevention from the Aeromonas sp. bacteria’s infection. Another result shows that ‘meniran’ has also given an improvement in growth and viability to the fish’s seed. A concentration of 20 g of ‘meniran’ for each kg of woof has resulted in the highest viability of 80 percent.