Pengaruh Penggunaan Amnion Liofilisasi Pada Pembentukan Adhesi Peritendineus Dalam Penyembuhan Tendon Achilles Kelinci
Dr. Nucki N Hidajat, SpOT(K)., M.Kes., FICS
adhesion, lyophilized amniotic membrane, tendon
Background : The main aim of tendon surgery is to restore preserves tendon gliding. The formation of peritendinous adhesion around the repair site is one of several adverse event that may prevent achievement of this aim. The lyophilized amniotic membrane derives from the fetal membranes which consist of two layers that may have a function as a barrier in the formation of peritendinous adhesion, rich of collagent, accelerate the epitelization and preventing fibrotic tissue formation. Those content of the amniotic membrane could prevent the formation of peritendinous adhesion in tendon healing. Objective : To determine the influence of lyophilized amniotic membrane on preventing the adhesion in tendon healing process Material and Method : The experimental research use 16 New Zealand race rabbits, devided into two groups. On all groups, one of the Achilles tendon was sharply devided, then immobilized with plaster. Group I was treated by lyophilized amniotic membrane, and group II was not treated by in lyophilized amniotic membrane (control). After three weeks, the animal were killed , and pathology anatomy examination was done on the repair site. The adhesion was assessed under light microscope with grading system of Tang et al for adhesion. Result : Tendon that applied with liofilized amniotic membrane had slight and moderate adhesion. The second group had moderate and severate adhesion. Conclusion : We suggest that liofilized amniotic membrane has good effect in preventing the peritendinous adhesion formation after tendon surgery. We can continue the research with full sample and statistical analytic.