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Rapid Situation Assessment For Harm Reduction Strategies In Banceuy Prison Bandung

Rapid Situation Assessment For Harm Reduction Strategies In Banceuy Prison Bandung
Drs. H.R.A. Suherman, MSi.
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In 2003, the number of registered HIV/AIDS patients in West Java who were infected via drug use—especially through Injected Drug Use (IDUS)—is 434 cases. This figure consists 415 HIV cases and 19 AIDS cases, from the 25 sub-provinces and towns in West Java. Bandung town contributes the highest number of HIV/AIDS patients. of these, 351 cases (80%) are also IDUs (Public Health Service West Java Province, June 2004). In addition, another 54 cases of HIV were diagnosed at Hasan Sadikin Hospital and these were also IDU. Therefore, in Bandung, it is dear that most people, who have HIV/AIDS, got it from IDUS. Drugs users represent a hidden population, because although one side of the problem directly to health, on the other side, the problem is also related to deeds which often are against the law. To overcome the threat of HIV/AIDS spreading further among IDUs and into the general population, support from the different stakeholders (exp. police, law makers, health services, authorities) is essential. To prevent the transmssion of HIV/AIDS through IDUs, a complete, broad and integrated approach is needed. Often it is clear who the drug users are, we can find them for instance at the Banceuy Prison in Bandung (Banceuy Prison Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Banceuy). In here there are 614 convicts, consisting of 500 male and 114 female convicts. All male convicts (500 people) were napza (drug) costumers. About 100 people are IDUs. While female convicts (114 people), were not all drugs users. . There an those punished for other reason. For example, because of criminal act or deception, and other. There are 2 (two) of other Prisons in Bandung, which are Sukamiskin Prison and Kebon Waru Prison. Both of these prison are auxiliary prisons, and their inmates are punished mostly because of criminal acts and not for drug use. However in reality, the condition in both are just like Banceuy Prison, with also a high rate of drug use. It is clear from available data that in Bandung among prisoners, IDUs are a large number. Moreever, there an indications from earlier surveys that a substantial proportion of IDU prisoners are HIV infected. [For example, in Banceuy Bandung Prison, 24% (2002); Cipinang-Jakarta Prison, 27%(2002); Kerobogan-Bali 53% (2001) (Indonesian HIV/AIDS Prevention Care Project (IHCP) and Indonesian Health Departement, 2003)]

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