Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Dan Pupuk Majemuk Lengkap Untuk Meningkatkan Ketersediaan Hara Dalam Tanah Dan Produktivitas Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.) Kultivar Venus Pada Inceptisols – The Application of Organic Manure and Complete Compound Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients Availability and The Productivity of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Venus Cultivar on lnceptisols
Ridha Hudaya, Ir., MS.
available K, available P, cucumber, Organic manure, PML
The field experiment to find out the effect of application of organic manure and complete compound fertilizer on the nutrients availability in soil and the productivity of cucumber (Cucumis sativus l.) venus cultivar on Inceptisols was carried out from May 1999 to July 1999 at the experimental garden of Grand Textille Industry Bandung, located about 700 metres above sea levels. The experiment used a Factorial Randomized Block Design consisted of two factors and three replications. The first factor was type of organic manure (B), consisted of three levels: bo (without organic manure), b1 (cow organic manure 10 ton ha -1) dan b2 (cotton waste organic manure 10 ton ha-1). The second factor was dosage of complete compound prilled fertilizer (P) consisted of four levels those were 0 kg ha-1 CCF (po), 200 kg ha-1 CCF (p1), 400 kg ha-1CCF (p2) and 600 kg ha-1 CCF (p3). The experiment result showed that the interaction effect between organic manure and dosage of complete compound fertilizer gave significant effect on available P and available K, but there did not affect yield of cucumber. The highest soil available P about 29,8 mg kg-1 was obtained by the application of cotton waste organic manure and 600 kg ha-1 CCF treatment (b2p3). The highest soil available K about 591,7 mg kg-1 was obtained by the application of cotton waste organic manure and 600 kg ha-1 CCF treatment (b2p3). The yield of cucumber was significantly increased by the application of organic and complete compound fertilizer. The application of 600 kg ha-1 CCF gave the highest yield about 6 ton ha-1. The application either organic manure of cotton waste or cow manure organic increased the yield of cucumber significantly, that was 4,7 and 5,8 ton ha-1 respectively.