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R.A. Kartini Versus R. Dewi Sartika Menakar Bobot Kepahlawanan

R.A. Kartini Versus R. Dewi Sartika Menakar Bobot Kepahlawanan
Mumuh Muhsin Z
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R.A. Kartini and R. Dewi Sartika are two figure women who have served for Indonesian. Kartini is considered having service in idea sphere through correspondence with some friends in the Netherlands. Kartini’s letters, then, was documentated to have been a book which tittles Door Duisternis tot Licht in 1911, seven years after Kartini’s death. Dewi Sartika did do really in education activity. In 1902 she had prepared to build school for women. In 1904 Sakola Istri (Women School) officially began operating and that is the first women school in the Netherlands-Indie. In the following years Sakola Sartika have developed rapidliy and in 1920 the schools of Sartika have existed in throughout West Java.

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