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Request Strategies And Responses In ‘Friends’ Movie Series: A Pragmatic Study

Request Strategies And Responses In ‘Friends’ Movie Series: A Pragmatic Study
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Penelitian ini berfokus pada klasifikasi strategi permintaan dan respon yang digunakan dalam serial film „Friends.. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua bagian utama, yaitu pengumpulan data dan analisis. Berbagai teori linguistik diterapkan sebagai referensi utama yang digunakan si dalam penelitian ini. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan teori utama Trosborg (1995). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hal-hal sebagai berikut. Pertama, terdapat enam jenis strategi permintaan yang digunakan oleh penutur di dalam percakapan. Strategi tersebut adalah Isyarat, Mempertanyakan kemampuan/ kemauan pendengar, Formula saran, Pernyataan kebutuhan dan tuntutan penutur, Pernyataan keharusan dan keterpaksaan, serta Imperatif. Kedua, terdapat berbagai respon atau tindakan perlokusi yang muncul dari pendengar mengenai apakah permintaan dapat terpenuhi atau ditolak. Beberapa permintaan dipenuhi melalui tuturan dan tindakan, sementara itu, permintaan lainnya ditolak hanya melalui tuturan atau tindakan.

This study focuses on classifying the request strategies and response used in „Friends. movie series. The current research is conducted in two main parts which are collecting the data and analyzing them. Many linguistic theories are applied to serve as primary references employed in this research. The analysis is performed in accordance with the main theory of Trosborg (1995). This research is aimed to show that there are various request strategies may be used by the speaker in a conversation depending on the context. Besides, various responses may also occur from the hearer. The results of the research show the following. First, there are seven types of request strategies used by the speaker in the conversation namely Hints, Questioning hearer.s ability/ willingness, Statements of hearer.s ability and willingness, Suggestory formulae, Statements of speaker.s needs and demands, Statements of obligation and necessity, and Imperatives. Second, there are various responses or perlocutionary acts may occur from the hearer whether the request being complied or refused. Some of the requests are complied through both of utterance and action, while some of them are refused simply through utterance or action.

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