Makna Semantis Hojodoushi –Te Kuru Dan –Te Iku Berdasarkan Shiten
Setyawati Kooswardani
hojodoushi –te iku, hojodoushi –te kuru, penyulihan, shiten, verba nonperpindahan, verba perpindahan
Tesis yang berjudul “Makna Semantis Hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku Berdasarkan Shiten” ini mengkaji makna hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku berdasarkan shiten, dapat atau tidak hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku saling menyulih pada verba yang sama dan alasannya, serta perbedaan makna yang muncul apabila pada verba tersebut tidak dilekati hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku. Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan khusus untuk penyulihan hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku dilakukan dengan teknik sulih. Analisis ketiga rumusan masalah menghasilkan simpulan: (1) baik pada hojodoushi –te kuru maupun –te iku, makna perpindahan yang produktif untuk verba perpindahan (VP) adalah “kondisi perpindahan” dan verba nonperpindahan (VNP) adalah “perpindahan yang berurutan”; (2) karakteristik VP yang dapat dilekati hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku, VP yang hanya dapat dilekati hojodoushi –te kuru, serta VP yang hanya dapat dilekati hojodoushi –te iku adalah bermakna “kondisi perpindahan”; posisi shiten pada penutur; durasi verbanya sekejap, sedangkan karakteristik VNP yang dapat dilekati hojodoushi –te kuru dan –te iku, VNP yang hanya dapat dilekati hojodoushi –te kuru, serta VNP yang hanya dapat dilekati hojodoushi –te iku adalah bermakna “perpindahan yang berurutan”; posisi shiten pada penutur; durasi verbanya sekejap dan berkelanjutan; (3) berdasarkan adanya pemarkah, seperti deiksis tempat atau makna inheren verba, perbedaan dapat muncul pada tiga hal, yaitu makna perpindahan tidak tersampaikan, tidak tergambarkannya titik ketibaan (pada kalimat hojodoushi –te kuru) atau titik keberangkatan (pada kalimat hojodoushi –te iku), serta ketiadaan shiten atau posisi shiten menjadi tidak diketahui.
The thesis entitled Semantic Meaning of Hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku based on Shiten studies three aspects: (1) the meaning of hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku, (2) whether or not hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku can be substituted in the same verbs and the reasons, and (3) the difference in meaning if the verb is not attached by hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku. The method used in this thesis is qualitative. Meanwhile, the substitution of hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku is conducted by using substitution technique. The analysis of the three statements of problems previously mentioned resulted in several conclusions: (1) in both hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku, the productive meaning of moving verb (MV) and non-moving verb (NMV) are “moving condition” and “sequential movement” respectively; (2) the characteristics of MV that can be attached by hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku, MV that can only be attached by hojodoushi –te kuru, and MV that can only be attached by hojodoushi –te iku have a meaning of “moving condition”. The shiten position is on the speaker and the verb takes a short duration. Meanwhile, the characteristic of NMV that can be attached by hojodoushi –te kuru and –te iku, NMV that can only be attached by hojodoushi –te kuru, and NMV that can only be attached by hojodoushi –te iku have a meaning of “sequential movement”. The shiten position is on the speaker and it takes a short and continuous duration; (3) based on the existence of the marker such as deixis of place or inherent meaning of a verb, the difference appears in three conditions: (1) the meaning of “moving” is not transferred; (2) the arrival (in the sentence hojodoushi –te kuru) and departure point (in the sentence hojodoushi –te iku) are not described; and (3) the shiten does not exist or the position of shiten is not identified.
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