Apakah Program Pendidikan Masih Relevan Mengurangi Kemiskinan? Sebuah Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Sumedang
Dedi Darmadi, Kemal Hidayat, Moh. Fahmi
dry-land planting, education, paddy, poverty
This paper aim to study relationship education and poverty, depict and understand other determinant of poverty in Sumedang. We use SUSENAS 2010 as a main source data. Sum of data sample are 624 household. Model of research is probit to determine probability whether household is poor or not. The result show that education has significant and positive effect on poverty. This result implied goverment to maintain and strengthen education program so that the impact would alleviate poverty in the future. Sum of member household under 5 person also has significant and negative effect on poverty. This result implicate the government to support keluarga berencana (KB) program to alleviate poverty. Main job household head as farmer’s paddy and dry-land planting also has significant and positive effect on poverty. This implicate the government to give subsidies and support them to alleviate poverty. The government could also develop rural area where most of farmers live although urban variable is not significant.