Pendidikan Dan Kemiskinan Studi Kasus Provinsi Maluku Utara Education And Poverty Case Study Of Maluku Utara
Harry Nurdyana S., Dr. Budiono, SE, MA, Dr. Mohamad Fahmi, SE, MT
education, poverty, Probit Model
This study aimed to determine the effect of educational on poverty in Maluku Utara at 2010. The size of the data used for 3.702 Susenas household sample conducted by BPS at 2010.The analysis model used is the probit model with the dependent variable in the form of poverty. The poverty rate is measured from the average per capita expenditure per month is limited by the Poverty Line. If the average monthly per capita expenditure below the poverty line, the household is considered poor households. Conversely, if the monthly per capita expenditure above the poverty line households are categorized as non-poor households.The results of this study was education significant and negative to poverty in Maluku Utara. Another significant variable was village classification, number of household members with age under 15 years, head of household work in the agricultural sector, the influence of positive. Variable number of household member under 5 person and squared age of household head, the influence negatively. While the other variables were not significant.