Analisis Alokasi Belanja Modal Pemerintah Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi kabupaten/ Kota Di Jawa Barat Tahun 2004-2010
Agus Kurniawan, Nury Effendi, Adhitya Wardhana
economic growth, Government capital expenditure, panel data, random effect model, recursive model
This paper aims to identify factors that affect the government capital expenditure and determine the effect of government capital expenditure on regional economic growth at regency/ city in West Java province during 2004-2010 using simultaneous recursive model. Method of estimation models using panel data regression analysis with random effect model. The results showed that the dependence of local revenue from the central government and province, national priority programs from the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and incoming financing (Penerimaan Pembiayaan) have a positive effect and significant on capital expenditure, while the number of civil servants have negative effect and significant on capital expenditure. Local own revenue (PAD) and the availability of basic educational infrastructure have a positif effect but not significant influence on capital expenditures. Allocation of capital expenditure have positive effect on economic growth, but not significant, indicating relatively low capital expenditure so it has not been a significant effect on regional economic growth.