Pengaruh Pinjaman Bergulir Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perkotaan (Pnpm-mp) Terhadap Konsumsi Rumah Tangga Di Kota Tasikmalaya
Devi Nafiana, S.STP, Dr. Ramalis Sobandi, Pipit Pitriyan, SE, M.Si
Consumption, PNPM-MP, Revolving Loan
This research aimed to determine the effect of revolving loan National Program for Urban Community Empowerment (PNPM-MP) on household consumption inĀ Tasikmalaya City. The data used in the form of a cross section of 110 sample households Survey results to the research area in 2012. The analysis model used is the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model using Eviews Application with the dependent variable of households consumption. Measured per capita consumption level of average expenditure per capita per month are taken through the interview in the form of food and non-food expenditure. The independent variables used of revolving loan capital amounts PNPM-MP received household and household characteristics revolving loan recipients. The resultsĀ show that revolving loan is significant and positive effect on household consumption. Another significant variable is the household composition of number below age 15, marital status heads of households and rural classification, negatively. Dummy variables educational secondary schools and senior high school are positive. While the other variables were not significant.