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Kemampuan Dan Kemauan Membayar Pasien Terhadap Pelayanan Rawat Inap Rsud Dr. Rasidin Padang

Kemampuan Dan Kemauan Membayar Pasien Terhadap Pelayanan Rawat Inap Rsud Dr. Rasidin Padang
Afni Rianti, Kodrat Wibowo, Ferry Hadiyanto
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This research aims to get the unit cost, the ability to pay and willingness to pay patients for each care class inpatient at RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang. For the purpose of analyzing the unit cost, data were collected from the year of 2011, consisting of fixed costs, semi-variable costs and variable costs. To analyzed the cost was used double distribution method. While, the ability to pay was obtained from the total expenditure non-essential households for one month. Meanwhile, to calculate the willingness to pay conducted by distributing questionnaires to patients and their families who lived one house. The variables used are education, income, quality of service of doctors, availability of drugs and lenght of stay. The method used is the method of ordinary least squares (OLS). The results of processing the data obtained that in the VIP rooms with unit cost of Rp. 688.800,-, the ability to pay Rp. 876.000,-, and willingness to pay Rp.126.650,-. In the First Class rooms with unit cost of Rp. 121.746,-, the ability to pay Rp. 352.220,-, and willingness to pay Rp. 89.856,-. In the Second Class rooms with unit cost of Rp. 72.534,-, the ability to pay Rp. 265.740,-, and willingness to pay Rp. 66.661,-. In the Third Class rooms with unit cost of Rp.51.261,-, the ability to pay Rp. 209.220,-, and willingness to pay Rp. 22.947,-. The ability and willingness to pay patient’s is above the rate applicable of inpatient, where the VIP rooms tariff of Rp. 110.000,-, the First Class rooms Rp.78.000,-, the Second Class rooms Rp. 58.000,-, the Third Class rooms Rp.20.000,-. This means that there is the consumer surplus, so that rates could be raised. Regression results indicate that education, income, quality of service of doctors, availability of drugs and length of stay, significantly affect willingness to pay. This shows the importance for policy makers aiming to raise tariff of the inpatient rooms at RSUD dr. Rasidin Padang, to give priority attention to household incomes and the most important, increase the quality of care by providing excellent service.

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