Valuasi Nilai Ekonomi Taman Nasional Bunaken : Aplikasi Travel Cost Method (Tcm)
Nurhayati Samsudin, Budiono,Wawan Hermawan
consumer surplus, Ecotourism valuation, Travel Cost Method, willingness to pay
This study is an application of environmental valuation using the travel cost method. Data of travel costs and number of visits within a certain time period were collected through interviews with and questionnaires to domestic and international tourists. Based on the data collected, a demand curve was constructed to estimate willingness to pay and consumer surplus. Bunaken National Park was chosen as the primary tourist destination in North Sulawesi as well as a potential asset to improve the economy and welfare specifically of the people of Manado and North Sulawesi Province in general. This research aims to study the economic value of Bunaken NP based on visitors’ travel costs for visiting the site and to study the factors influencing visitors’ willingness to pay for the benefits of the existence of Bunaken NP. The estimated economic value of ecotourism (willingness to pay) in Bunaken NP is IDR 140,405,171,010, with consumer surplus of IDR 6,433,440,930 or IDR 232,271 per person. Travel costs significantly influence willingness to pay of domestic tourists. For international tourists, the economic value of ecotourism in Bunaken NP is USD 13,054,000 with consumer surplus of USD 232,000 or USD 8.36 per person. Factors that most influence willingness to pay of international tourists are travel costs and purchasing power parity.