Pengaruh Pemberian Bantuan Tambahan Modal Usahatani Melalui Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (Puap)Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Usahatani (Sebuah Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Purwakarta)
Prawira Ardi, A. Kemal Hidayat , dan M. Purnagunawan
Fixed Effect Model (FEM), food crop and horticulture sector, LQ, Shift-Share
This study aims to determine the district and city anywhere in Bengkulu, which have sub sectors of food crops and horticulture as a base or non-base sectors as well as faster or slower growth, and determine the leading commodity in the province of Bengkulu. This study also aims to find out how much the contribution of the sub sectors of food crops and horticulture to the growth of the agricultural sector in the district and city in the province of Bengkulu. Object of this study is 9 district and city in the province of Bengkulu in the study period 2004-2010. This study uses secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Department of Agriculture Bengkulu Bengkulu Province. Analytical approach used is LQ (Location Quotient), Shift-Share Analysis, Regression using Panel Data Fixed Effect Model method (FEM). The results of this study show that: the combined index of LQ and Analysis Shift-Shre known that areas with food crops ang horticulture sub-sector as a sector basis and rapid growth is Lebong and Seluma district. Regional basis with the sector and slow growth are Rejang Lebong district. The area with the non base and slow growth are South Bengkulu, Bengkulu Utara, Kaur and the city of Bengkulu. While the area with the non base and rapid growth is Kepahiang and Mukomuko district. Plants and horticulture commodities that are major commodity by LQ method is Rice, Peanut, Sweet Potatoes, Durian, Mangosteen, Banana, Rambutan, great chili, cayenne pepper, green onions, cabbage, sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes and watermelon, ginger, turmeric and kencur. The role of sub-sectors of crops and horticulture is significant to the growth of the agricultural sector in the district / town in Bengkulu Province.