Perbedaan Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score Pra dan Pasca Trakeostomi Pasien Cedera Kepala Berat yang Menderita Pneumonia Aspirasi di NCCU RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung
Perbedaan Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score Pra dan Pasca Trakeostomi Pasien Cedera Kepala Berat yang Menderita Pneumonia Aspirasi di NCCU RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung
Dr. Muhammad Zafrullah Artfin, dr., Sp.BS(K), dr. Jefri Henky
aspiration pneumonia, clinical pulmonary infection score, severe head injury, tracheostomy
Dr. Muhammad Zafrullah Artfin, dr., Sp.BS(K), dr. Jefri Henky
aspiration pneumonia, clinical pulmonary infection score, severe head injury, tracheostomy
Patient decreased of consciousness due to severe head injuries at risk of suffering aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia can occur due to inhalation of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract. The diagnosis of pneumonia based on assessment of clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS). These patients should be performed endo tracheal tube (ETT) intubation or tracheostomy is useful to maintain airway patency, reducing dead space, easy to suctioning and improve the effectiveness of oxygenation to the lungs. The aim of this study is comparing pre and post tracheostomy CPIS in severe head injury patients who suffering pneumonia aspiration and relationship with Glasgow Outcome Scale (COS).
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