Pengaruh Imbangan Jerami Padi Fermintasi Dan Konsentrat Dalam Ransum Terhadap Fermentabilitas Dan Kecernaan In Vitro Serta Performans Produksi Pada Sapi Perah Laktasi
U. Hidayat Tanuwiria, A. Yulianti, R. Tawaf
Dairy Cow, digestability, fermentability, Jerami Padi Fermentasi. Fermentabilitas. Kecernaan. Produksi Susu. Kualitas Susu, milk production, Qualify Of Milk, rice straw fermented, sapi perah
The objectives of this research were to examine the ratio of rice straw fermented and Concentrate in ration and its effect on fermenlability and digeslability in vitro. Production Performance of fh cows. The experimental design was randomized block design with Three treatments each replicated four times the treatments were R1 (60% rice straw Fermented + 30% concentrate), R2 (65% rice straw fermented + 35% concentrate). And R3 (70% rice straw fermented + 30% concentrate) all based on dry matter content of Feed offered, the results suggested that the ratio of rice straw fermented and concentrate In ration were significantly (p<0.05) affected the fermentability and digestability of Ration in vitro. But production performance tin dairy cow not affected. It was concluded That rice straw fermenteduntil 70% in ration not effect on production performance at Dairy cow.