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Metode Pengeringan Daun Kaliandra Dan Efek Penggunaannya Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Produksi Sapi Perah (The Drying Methods Of Calliandra Leaf And The Effect Of Calliandra Leaf Utilizatio In Ration On Production Performance Of Dairy Cows)

Metode Pengeringan Daun Kaliandra Dan Efek Penggunaannya Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Produksi Sapi Perah (The Drying Methods Of Calliandra Leaf And The Effect Of Calliandra Leaf Utilizatio In Ration On Production Performance Of Dairy Cows)
U. Hidayat Tanuwiria, W. Djaja, S. Kuswaryan
UIS Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
U. Hidayat Tanuwiria, W. Djaja, S. Kuswaryan
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The objectives of the research were to study to drying methods of calliandra leaf of utilization the drying calliandra leaf as concentrate substitution in dairy cow ration. A series of experiments were conducted as follows: (a) First series experiment was initiated by drying up methods of calliandra leaf. The experimental methods were arranges in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments P0 = fresh calliandra leaf, P1 = sun cured calliandra leaf, P2 = shelt dried calliandra leaf, P3 = oven dried calliandra leaf), and five times relication. The second series of experiment was designed to study the production performance of dairy cattle. The experimental methods were arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four treatments (R0 = 60% Native grass + 7% tofu waste + 33% concentrate, R1 = 60% Native grass + 7% tofu waste + 29,7% concentrate + 3,3% drying kaliandra leaf, R2 = 60% Native grass + 7% tofu waste + 23,1 concentrate + 9,9 % drying kaliandra leaf,  R3= 60% Native grass + 7% tofu waste + 23,1% concentrate + 9,9% drying kaliandra leaf, all based on dry matter 100%) and five times replication. The results indicated that the drying method of calliandra leaf was influenced on fermentanility and digestability of calliandra leaf. Drying calliandra leaf as concentrate subtitution until 20% in the ration were increased milk production 4% FCM and feed efficiency.
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