Manfaat Finansial Substitusi Ransum Konsentrat Dengan Daun Kaliandra Kering (Calliandra Calothyrsus) Pada Usahaternak Sapi Perah Rakyat
Sondi Kuswaryan, Willyan Djaya, U. Hidayat Tanuwiria
Calliandra Dry leaves, Daun Kering Kaliandra, Income Over Feed Cast, Income over Feed Cost, Net Income Change
The research objective was to know the financial benifit use of substituted concentrate using Calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) dry leaves. The treatments were applied ta I6 heads lactating dairy cattle and the experiment was held in a group of small dairy farm named Harapan Jaya, Pamulihan district, Sumedang county. The animals consisted ofHolstein cows with second and third lactation period The substitution of concentrate using Calliandra dry leaves was designed into four treatments and it was Basal Ration (R1), 10% substitution (R2), 20% substitution (R3), and 30% substitution (R4). The impact treatments were analyzed with analysis model of income over feed cost and net income change. The research gives result that concentrate substitution with Calliandra dry leaves could increase the income of dairy farm. The research suggests that to produce the optimum yield of milk and dairy farm income the concentrate should be substituted by the Calliandra dry leaves with 22-23%. The conclusion was based on: 1. The concentrate .substitution with Calliandra dry leaves could increase the milk yield from 10,49 litre/head/day of basal ration R1 to 11, 70; 12,54; and 12,21 litre/head/day for treatment R2, R3, dan R4 respcetively. 2. The highest value of lncome over Feed Cost was Rp11.20Z86/head/day for treatment R3 and after that the treatment gave respectively for R4 (Rp10,431,93/ head/day), R2 (Rp9.469,21/head/day), and R1 (Rp7.023,66/head/day). 3. The all of the treatments Net Income Change increased which it was compared to basal ration, and the highest value was treatment R3 (Rp117.157,42/head/day), and then R4 (Rp95.431,50/head/day), R2 (Rp68.4 75,4 7/head/day), and R1.