Kemandirian Pakan Dalam Pengembangan Sapi Perah (Kasus Ksu Tandangsari – Sumedang)
Mansyur, Asep Sumaryana, U. Hidayat Tanuwiria, Tidi Dhalika, lman Hernaman
Fakultas peternakan UGM
Univeritas peternakan UGM
dairy cattle, Kemandirian Pakan, sapi perah, Self Sufflcient Feed
Good world milk price, high demand. and insufticent supply is a interesting challenge for dairy cattle development. A lot of problems found in dairy cattle development, Avaiblllty of feed is main problem for improvement of manajamen quality of dairy cattle, because it affected to scale of ownership, milk quallty, livestock health, and farm effeciency Koperasi Serba Usaha (KSU) Tandangsari, Subdistrict of Tanjungsari Sumedang as stakeholder try to play its role to answer the demand of feed requirement, especially forage, to all its members. The efforts of KSU were taken to lmprove of feed independence, i,e: maklng of feed factory, optimalization of conventional agrlculture by products, utilization of sugar cane top hay as substitution of grass, establlsment of grass estate as silvopastoral form, and making of hay proccessing factory.