Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pelaksanaan Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (Bok) 2011 : Suatu Kajian Literatur
Rita Nurcahyani, Dewi Marhaeni DH, Nita Arisanti
Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan, Health Operational Assistance (BOK), Primary Health Care, Puskesmas
Health Operational Assistance (BOK) is a new breakthrough of the Ministry of Health to address the problem of lack of operational cost centers that focus their efforts on promotion and prevention activities. In 2010 BOK funds distribution by Bantuan Sosial (Bansos) and 2011 was renamed Tugas Pembantuan (TP). The distribution of TP mechanism often had administrative obstacles resulting in delays in liquefaction to the districts and the impact to Primary Health Care. The aim of this study is to determine factors influencing the implementation of BOK in 2011 and this is a literature review study. The results of the review indicate that there are several key factors in the implementation of BOK in 2011, therefore it is necessary for an evaluation or assessment of the mechanism BOK appropriate funds in order to reduce the problem. It is expected that health workers to improve, capacity and readiness in the implementation of activities funded from the BOK is, that the main goal of the funding BOK can be achieved.