Compounding In Information Technology: A Morphological Study Pembentukan Kata Majemuk Dalam Teknologi Informasi: Kajian orfologis
Rafica Sari
compound verbs, compounding, endocentric, exocentric
Tesis ini berjudul “Compounding in Information Technology: A Morphological Study”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini meliputi tiga hal: pertama, mendeskripsikan elemen kata majemuk yang ditemukan pada teknologi informasi, kedua, mendeskripsikan cara penulisan kata majemuk dalam teknologi informasi, dan ketiga, untuk mendeskripsikan jenis kata majemuk yang berhubungan dengan makna dalam teknologi informasi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif. Secara keseluruhan ada 49 data yg di analisis mewakili 82 data. Data tersebut terdiri dari 40 data compound nouns, 1 data compound adjective, dan 8 data compound verbs. Teori yg digunakan untuk menganalisis data merupakan teori tentang compounding dari McCharty (2002), Spencer (2001), O’Grady (1996) dan Katamba (1993). Berdasarkan analisis, compound noun dengan elemen Noun+Noun dan Adjective+Noun merupakan dua elemen terbanyak ditemukan pada proses compounding dalam teknologi informasi, penulisan kata majemuknya lebih sering menggunakan closed/solid form, dan jenis kata majemuk yang berhubungan dengan makna yaitu endocentric dan exocentric compounds.
This thesis entitled “Compounding in Information Technology: A Morphological Study”. The objectives of the study comprises three: first, to describe elements of compounding which are found in the information technology, second, to describe the ways of writing compound words found in the information technology, and third, to describe the types of compounds which are related to the meanings in information technology. To reach those, the writer applies the descriptive method. There are 49 data analyzed represent the whole 82 data. The data consist of 40 data of compound nouns, one datum of compound adjective, and 8 data of compound verbs. The theories used to analyze the data are based on the theory of compounding from McCharty (2002), Spencer (2001), O’Grady (1996) and Katamba (1993). The data are taken from PCWorld magazines and Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). Based on the analysis, compound nouns with the elements Noun+Noun and Adjective+Noun are the two most common elements in the process of compounding in information technology, the way of writing compound words in information technology are mostly in closed/solid forms, and the types of compounds which are related to the meanings are endocentric and exocentric compounds.
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