Backchannel As Non Polarity Words: A Conversation Analysis
Neneng Yuniarty
backchannel, conversation, Conversation Analysis, non polarity
Tesis ini berjudul Backchannel as Non Polarity Words: A Conversation Analysis. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan backchannel sebagainon polarity dan fungsi backchannel sebagai non polarity yang dapat ditemukan dalam data. Analisis ini secara umum menggunakan teori-teori mengenai conversation analysis khususnya tentang backchannel yang ditulis oleh Maynar (1997), Schegloff (1982) dan Yule (1998), dan teori-teori mengenai non polarity oleh Halliday (2004), Eggins (1994), dan Gerrot dan Wignel (1995). Data penelitian ini diambil dari Saarbrucken Corpus of Spoken English. Dari jumlah keseluruhan seratus data, penulis menggunakan tiga puluh satu data untuk dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan backchannel sebagai non polarity dan menganalisis fungsi backchannel sebagai non polarity dalam data. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa backchannel sebagai non polarity sebagian besar memakai kata-kata uhhuh, m-hm, well, yeah, yeap, yes, oh yeah yeah, yeah, okay well, yeah okay, m-hm yeah, mmh ooh, ooh, no, dan ooh no. Fungsi kata-kata tersebut adalah sebagai continuer, understanding, support and empathy, agreement, emotive, dan minor addition or request for information.
This thesis is entitled Backchannel as Non Polarity Words: A Conversation Analysis. The objective of this research is to find out and describe the backchannel as non polarity and their functions in the data. The analysis uses theories of conversation analysis especially about backchannel put by Maynar (1997), Schegloff (1982), and Yule (1998) and theories of non polarity put by Halliday (2004), Eggins (1994), and Gerrot and Wignel (1995). The data are taken from the Saarbrucken Corpus of Spoken English. From the total of one hundred data, the writer uses thirty one to be analyzed and described based on the theories. The analysis is conducted by describing backchannel as non polarity word and then analyzing the function of backchannel as non polarity word in the data. The result shows that the participants mostly use uh-huh, m-hm, well, yeah, yeap, yes, oh yeah yeah, yeah, okay well, yeah okay, m-hm yeah, mmh ooh, ooh, no, and oh no. The backchannel as non polarity words shown in the data are function as continuer, understanding, support and empathy, agreement, emotive, and minor addition or request for information.
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