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Reintegrasi Sosial Antar Etnik Melayu Dan Madura Pasca Konflik Sambas: Pendekatan Struktural Fungsional Pada Proses Akomodasi Di Kecamatan Mempawah Hilir, Kabupaten Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

Reintegrasi Sosial Antar Etnik Melayu Dan Madura Pasca Konflik Sambas: Pendekatan Struktural Fungsional Pada Proses Akomodasi Di Kecamatan Mempawah Hilir, Kabupaten Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat
Mochtaria M.Noh

Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan proses akomodasi, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi akomodasi antar etnik Melayu dan Madura Pasca Konflik Sambas Pada Masyarakat di Kecamatan Mempawah Hilir, Kabupaten Pontianak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode etnografik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi atau studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses akomodasi sudah berlangsung sejak kontak kedua kelompok etnik terjadi. Ada perbedaan pola integrasi sosial kedua kelompok etnik pada sebelum dan pasca konflik Sambas. Sebelum konflik Sambas integrasi lebih pada kelompok kecil (etnik), pasca konflik integrasi sosial lebih luas pada hubungan antaretnik. Bentuk akomodsi yang dibangun kedua kelompok etnik pasca konflik Sambas adalah kompromi, toleransi, peradilan (adjudication), dan perkawinan campur (amalgamasi). Kompromi mulanya dimaksudkan untuk antisipasi dampak kerusuhan Sambas agar tidak merembet ke daerah mereka, dilanjutkan dengan upaya kesepahaman nilai dan norma, serta upaya etnik Madura dengan menempatkan diri dalam pergaulan, berpartsipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan, dan peduli pada lingkungan sosial. Toleransi dikembangkan dengan cara pemahaman dan pengembangan sikap sesuai falsafah budaya dan ajaran agama, meredam egoisme, dan mengurangi etnosentrisme. Peradilan (adjudication) disikapi dengan cara meningkatkan kesadaran pada penerapan hukum positif, tidak melindungi pelaku kejahatan, dan memusyawarahkan masalah kriminal yang berkaitan dengan hubungan kedua etnik. Amalgamasi antara kedua kelompok etnik hanya terjadi di pemukiman yang telah berbaur. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses akomodasi adalah: (1) berkembangnya kesadaran baru bahwa memperkuat ikatan keagamaan lebih penting dan mendasar dari pada ikatan etnik; (2) kemauan mengubah sikap dalam interaksi sosial kedua kelompok etnik; (3) masyarakat yang semakin terbuka; (4) rasa kekeluargaan yang kuat; (5) masyarakat agamis, serta (6) kemajuan pendidikan dan ekonomi masyarakat.

This research was conducted for the purpose of describing the types and the process of accomodation and the factors influencing the accomodation process among the Malays and Madurese ethnics in the post conflict of Sambas in Mempawah Hilir District, Pontianak Regency. The research method applied in this reserach was ethnography method. The data were collected through observation, depth interview, photograph taking and library works. The result of this research proved that the process of accomodation had been occuring science both of ethnic were in contact. However, there was different patterns of social integration between the one practiced before and after the conflict of Sambas. Before the conflict, the integration mostly occured between small groups while after the conflict, it changed into the wider scope, between ethnics. The types of accomodation being built were taking the forms of compromising, tolerance, adjudication, and amalgamation. Compromising which was formerly practiced by Madurese group in Mempawah was for the purpose of anticipating any possible negative effect of Sambas Conflict towards the area they live. It was then continued by trying to understand the same values and norms which were shared together by the two groups as well as by adjusting themselves in any social interaction, participating in any social activities and being more concerned with the social environment. Besides, the tolerance was developed by understanding and improving positive attitude based on the cultural philosophy and religion teaching they believe, minimizing egoism and ethnocentrism. In addition, adjudication occured by improving their awerness of the positive law application, not trying to protect whoever had broken the law, and lastly by conciliating any criminal incident occured between both ethnic groups. The next accomodation was in the form of amalgamation. However, it was only limited to occur among those who live in the recidence of the dominant mixing of both ethnic groups. Meanwhile, the factors that influenced the accomodation pocess were: (1) the inprovement of the new awareness that having stronger religion belief affiliation should be better than just having strong ethnic solidarity; (2) the willingness of changing their attitude in social interaction between the two ethnic groups; (3) the more open society; (4) the strong solidarity within the group of society as a big family; (5) the religious society; and (6) the increasing lavel of education and economy in the society.

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