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Pengaruh Penerapan Software Otomasi Perpustakaan Terhadap Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Siswa

Pengaruh Penerapan Software Otomasi Perpustakaan Terhadap Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Siswa
Angga Hadiapurwa
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Angga Hadiapurwa, Tesis, 2013, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: pengaruh penerapan otomasi perpustakaan teradap perilaku pencarian informasi siswa di perpustakaan sekolah. Lebih khusus untuk mengetahui: (1) kondisi komponen-komponen otomasi perpustakaan (hardware, interface software dan user) berdasarkan penilaian siswa; (2) gambaran perilaku pencarian informasi siswa di perpustakaan setelah penerapan otomasi perpustakaan; (3) pengaruh komponen-komponen otomasi baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial; serta (4) hubungan antar komponen otomasi perpustakaan; Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey dan teknik path analysis. Penelitian dilakukan di perpustakaan Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Cibogo kec. Lembang. Dengan populasi siswa sebanyak 291 siswa, teknik sampling menggunakan simple random sampling, sehingga menghasilkan sampel 74siswa. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan otomasi perpustakaan berpengaruh teradap perilaku pencarian informasi siswa di perpustakaan sekolah.

Anga Hadiapurwa, Thesis, 2013, This study aims to find out: the effect of library automation application on students’information seeking behavior in the school library. More specifically, this study would like to determine: (1) the condition of library automation components (hardware, software interface, and user) based on students’ assessment, (2) description of the students’information seeking behavior in the library after the application of library automation, (3) the effect of the library automation components simultaneously and partially, and (4) the relation between the components of library automation; This research was a survey study using quantitative approach with descriptive method and path analysis techniques. The survey was conducted in the library of state elementary school 2 Cibogo Lembang Sub district. With the population of 291 students, the sampling technique used was simple random sampling, resulting in a sample of 74 students. The results of this research isthat the application of library automation has an effecton students’ information seeking behavior in the school library.

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