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Polisi, Militer Dan Politik: Model Pemisahan Kepolisian Dari Militer
Unpad, Jurnal Administratsi negara Fisip Unpad
Unpad, Jurnal Administratsi negara Fisip Unpad
Kepolisian, Militer, Pemisahan., Rejim Politik, Transisi Demokrasi
This paper has two purposes. First, it discusses the position of the Police in political change, relation between the military and the regime. In democratic transition countries, the police position has been in dilemma; had trapped in military structures and confused to response the political changing. In developing countries, the police were faced those as difficulties situations, some of them are trying to fight and taken a risk to support the new regime, and the others are just waiting and hopes the political changing will push them to better situation; not under the military structures and not underpresure by the authoritarian regimes. However, relation between the Police and the Military during authoritarian and military regime was very hard for the Police, not only as a puppet by the Military, but also became an avant guard for protecting the ruling government. Second, this paper also discusses of the model of disassociation the Police from the Military, and its problems.