Konflik Kontemporer Sebagai Pengganti Perang
Konflik Kontemporer Sebagai Pengganti Perang
Unpad, Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan Vol 2. 1 Juni 2010
Unpad, Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan Vol 2. 1 Juni 2010
kebijakan, konflik, pbb, perang, perang dingin
Unpad, Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan Vol 2. 1 Juni 2010
Unpad, Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan Vol 2. 1 Juni 2010
kebijakan, konflik, pbb, perang, perang dingin
This paper has two purposes. First, it discusses the definition of conflict and war and its examples and execess. The spreading of conflicts around the world is making reduce wars as those were happening post cold war. The conflicts were also not just ideology or territorial matters, but also cause of petit problems such as tribes or etnicity. The conflict is happening not only in interstate but also inside state and could be in small areas. Its mean war as conventional definition was reducing by the spreading of conflicts. Second, this paper also argued that contemporer conflicts are changing the war as whole problems of the world.
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