Pengaruh Penggunaan Jenis Gula Dan Konsentrasi Saribuah Terhadap Beberapa Karakteristik Sirup Jeruk Keprok Garut (Citrus nobilis Lour) – The Effect of The Variety of Sugar and Fruit Juice Concentration Due to The Characteristics of Garut Orange Syrup (Citrus nobilis Lour)
Tati Sukarti, Ir., M.S.
fruit syrup, Garut Orange, Garut Orange syrup
Garut Orange is known as fruit that has certain aroma and flavor, in other case Garut Orange has high nutritional composition. Indonesia has produced Garut Orange in big quantities but the use Garut orange itself is still limited. Due to this problem, it is necessary to carry out a further processing in order to optimize the usefulness of Garut Orange. One of the efforts in optimizing the usefulness of Garut Orange is to make it into fruit syrup. Observations of syrup consist of color, aroma, flavor, and the viscosity of syrup. In the making of syrup that has high concentration of pectin, such as Garut Orange, the main problem is the viscosity of the syrup itself sometimes appears in a very high limit or concentration, which will make the syrup hard to be poured. One of the solutions to reduce the viscosity is by using different kinds of sugar beside sucrose and also by setting the fruit juice concentration. The purpose of this research was to determine the best type of sugar and fruit juice concentration in order to obtain Garut Orange syrup with good characteristic and well accepted by panelist. This research was carried out at the Padjadjaran University from April up to October 2007, respectively at the Laboratory of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Industrial Technology, Padjadjaran University. A Randomized Block Design was used in this experiment, consisting of eight treatments and four replications. The treatments were: A (sucrose with 30% fruit juice concentration), B (sucrose with 35% fruit juice concentration), C (sucrose with 40% fruit juice concentration), D (sucrose with 45% fruit juice concentration), E (fructose with 30% fruit juice concentration), F (fructose with 35% fruit juice concentration), G (fructose with 40% fruit juice concentration), and H (fructose with 45% fruit juice concentration). The observation consisted of sensory test that consisted color, aroma and viscosity of syrup, the color of the diluted syrup, the aroma of diluted syrup, and the taste of diluted syrup, and the chemical characteristic which consisted total sugar concentration, Vitamin C concentration, and pH of the syrup. The result of this research showed that the different types of sugar and the fruit juice concentration gave the significant effects on the desirable of color, aroma, viscosity, the color of the diluted syrup and the taste of diluted syrup. Sucrose with 40% fruit juice concentration (C) gave the best result i.e. in the desirable color (4,42), desirable aroma (3,42), desirable viscosity (4,59), desirable color of the diluted syrup (4,33), desirable aroma of the diluted syrup (3,33) and desirable taste of the diluted syrup (4,17) with 69,7% total sugar concentration, vitamin C (1.76 mg/100 g), and pH 3,15.