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Tuber Production Of Yam Bean (Pachyrhizus Spp.) Due To Sink-reproductive Pruning

Tuber Production Of Yam Bean (Pachyrhizus Spp.) Due To Sink-reproductive Pruning
S.Hasani, A.Karuniawan
Unpad,Graduate Student of Agriculture Faculty,Departement of Plant Breeding, of Agriculture Faculty
Unpad,Graduate Student of Agriculture Faculty,Departement of Plant Breeding, of Agriculture Faculty
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Yam bean (Pachyrizhusspp) can be used as new alternative food resource. To increase yam bean production including tuber quality traits, can be acquired troughintraspesific and interspesific crosses between P. erosus and P. ahipa. Simultaneous sink-reproductive pruning treatment is conducted to increased the tuber production, because the treatment can divert assimilate flow to tuber which consequently change the tuber dimensions.Materials used in this experiment were 9 yam bean genotypes collection of A. Karuniawan (Plant Breeding Laboratory, Padjadjaran University). Nine genotypes consisted of three genotypes of P. Erosus, one genotype of P. Ahipa, two genotypes of P. erosus intraspecific hybrid and three genotypes resulted from interspecific between P. erosus and P. ahipa. The field trial was conducted at experimental field of Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University Jatinangor located at an altitude of 753 m above sea level with Inceptisols soil type and type C rainfall according to Schmidt-Fergusson. The experiment was conducted from August 2009 until March 2010. The experiment was arranged in split plot design which was repeated twice. The main plot consisted of two treatments: without sink-reproductive pruning and with sink-reproductive pruning. The main plot was divided into nine subplots based on genotypes. Characters observed were tuber fresh weight (g), tuber dry matter (%), total starch content (% WB), and protein content of tuber (% WB). Pruning affected the increasing of tuber fresh weight. Interspesific hybrid genotype AC 216-139 d x EC 550 produced the highest value for dry matter content. The highest starch and protein content contained on P. ahipa genotype AC 216-139 d. There was interaction between pruning and genotype on dry matter content, which the best result shown by AC 216-139 d with pruning treatment. The genotype which was good for food resource material with high starch and protein production was intraspecific crosses genotype x B-56/CJ EC 550.