What should be evaluated by echocardiography in patients after Tetralogy Fallotsurgery
Sri EndahRahayuningsih MD, PhD
Unpad, Pediatric Department HasanSadikin General Hospital Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University Bandung
Unpad, Pediatric Department HasanSadikin General Hospital Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University Bandung
echocardiography, evaluated, Fallotsurgery
<p>Evaluated by echocardiography in patients after TetralygFallot surgery with 2D Echo / Colour Doppler repaired include: assessment of the right ventricular size, systolic function (visual, TAPSE, MPI), left ventricular function, paradoxical IV septal motion, suggesting right ventricular volume overload, residual VSD, size, turbulence , aortic root size, aortic regurgitation, residual right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, turbulence on color flow, degree of pulmonary regurgitation, degree of right ventricular hypertrophy, best seen from sub-costal views Doppler Measurements include: residual VSD V max, restrictive/ unrestrictive jet right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, sites, degree (using peak PG derived from Bernoulli : 4V2) : including branch pulmonary arteries, degree of pulmonary regurgitation, CW jet intensity, , early diastolic jet termination, right ventricular diastolic dysfunction (restrictive physiology) – antegrade late diastolic flow in mean pulmonary artery on PW Doppler, coinciding with atrial systole. Utilize stand-alone CW Doppler to search for high velocity signals suggestive of peripheral pulmonary stenosis. Limitations: deriving on colour Doppler at severe pulmonary regurgitation may be underestimated</p>