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Penampilan Fenotipik, Variabilitas, dan Heritabilitas 32 genotipe Cabai Merah Berdaya Hasil Tinggi Phenotypic Performance, Variability, and Heritability of 32 High Yielding Red Pepper Genotypes

Penampilan Fenotipik, Variabilitas, dan Heritabilitas 32 genotipe Cabai Merah Berdaya Hasil Tinggi Phenotypic Performance, Variability, and Heritability of 32 High Yielding Red Pepper Genotypes
Warid All Qosim, Meddy Rachmadi, Jajang Sauman Hamdani, Ihsanudin Nuri
Unpad, J. Agron. Indonesia 41 (2) : 140 - 146 (2013)
Unpad, J. Agron. Indonesia 41 (2) : 140 - 146 (2013)
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Informasi penampilan fenotipik, variabilitas genetik dan nilai duga heritabilitas sangat penting untuk perakitan cabai merah berdaya hasil tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi penampilan fenotipik, variabilitas dan heritabilitas karakter daya hasil tinggi 32 genotipe cabai merah. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan 32 genotipe cabai merah yang digunakan sehagai perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hahwa genotipe BPH 0604, KRT 2, RMCK 1, RMCK II, dan UPKRT I 99 memiliki penampilan fenotipik lehih haik dihandingkan genotipe lainnya untuk karakter buah, seperti diameter buah, jumlah buah per tanaman, jumlah huah per plot, bobot per buah, bobot buah per tanaman dan bobot buah per plot. Karakter-karakter yang memiliki variabilitas genetik dan fenotipik yang luas adalah tinggi tanaman, umur berbunga, diameter batang, lebar daun, panjang tangkai bunga, panjang tangkai daun, diameter buah, jumlah buah per tanaman, jumlah buah per plot, bobot per buah, jumlah buah per tanaman dan jumlah buah per plot. Nilai duga heritabilitas yang tinggi diperoleh pada karakter tinggi tanaman, umur berbunga, diameter batang, diameter buah, jumlah buah per tanaman, jumlah buah per plot, bobot per buah, bobot buah per tanaman dan bobot buah per plot.

Information of phenotypic performance, genetic variability and heritability estimation are very important to improve the yield of red pepper The aims of this research was to obtain the information on the phenotypic performance, variability and heritability of 32 high yielding genotypes of red pepper. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design in which 32 genotypes of red pepper were used as a treatment. The results showed that the genotypes of BPH 0604, KRT 2, RMCK 1, RMCK II, and UPKRT 199 performed better than others in the fruit characters such as number of fruits per plant, number of fruit per plot, weight per fruit, fruit weight per plant, fruit weight per plot. The genetic and phenotypic variability were considerably wide for characters such as plant height, flowering time, stem diameter, leaf width, length of peduncle, petiole length, fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant, number of fruit per plot, and weight per fruit. Heritability estimation of plant height, flowering time, stem diameter, fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant, number of fruit per plot, weight per fruit, fruit weight per plant and, fruit weight per plot were high.

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