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Training Evaluation A Literature Study

Training Evaluation A Literature Study
Hendra Gunawan
, ,

Training is one of activity to increase quality of human resource. Training is expected to be able to change behavior of training participant because it is an activity that’s considered to be able toincrease knowledge, improve attitude and increase a skill for training participant. For seeing the success, the effectiveness and benefit of training, so it is needed to do evaluation to the whole training activities. In training management process, evaluation activity isimportant aspect to know whetherthe training activity , the output is suitable with the first aim that’s planned. Besides that , training evaluation can also see whether the result of training is useful for training participant, has impact for organization the place where the participant works or even has impact largely to community of the training participant. For evaluation a training, it is needed to do certain steps in order that the result of evaluation is suitable with the target that’s planned. The steps in training evaluation are the arrangement of training evaluation design, development of collecting data instrument, collecting data and data analysis and also presentation report of training evaluation result. Besides that, in training evaluation is also needed to be made what evaluation model will be used. The evaluation models are Kirkpatrick evaluation model, Brinkerhoff model, TVS (Training Valuation System) evaluation model, CIPP (Context, Input Process, Product) evaluation model and IPO (Input, Process, Output/outcomes) evaluation model. The training evaluation model can be choosen by training evaluator suitable with the aim that wants to be achieved.

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