Indirect Organogenesis and Histological Analysis of Garcinia mangostana L
W.A. Qosim, R. Purwanto, G.A. Wattimena, Witjaksono
Unpad, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013
Unpad, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2013
Mangosteen, nodular calli, shoots
Abstract: The improvement of Garcinia mangostana L. through biotechnology approach needed an efficient plant regeneration system. The objective of this research was development of indirect organogenesis protocol for mangosteen such as effect of plant growth regulator for induction of nodular calli, plant regeneration and histological analysis of nodular calli and shoot bud. The treatments for induction nodular calli were concentration of BAP 2.2 and 4.4 uM while concentration of TDZ (thidiazuron) 1.14, 2.27 and 4.54 p.M. Combination of BAP and TDZ concentration used as treatments. The medium of shoot proliferation was Woody Plant Medium (WPM) with concentration of BAP (0.0; 1.1; 2.2; 3.3; 4.4) uM as treatments. All experiments were arranged completely randomized design and analyzed data using F-test and the means among each treatment was separately by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). A result showed that combination of 2.22 and 2.27 itM TDZ on MS medium produce nodular calli basal medium WPM with 2.2 itM BAP concentration indicated the highest percentage of nodular callus formed shoot was 34.7%, average of numbers shoot per nodular calli was 7.8 shoots, average of time formed shoot was 94.5 days and number of shoot length 1-5 mm was 11.06, shoot length 6-10 mm was 2.61 and shoot length >10 mm was 0.61. The highly efficient protocol of indirect organogenesis suggested in this study can be used to mutation breeding methods and propagation of Garcinia mangostana L.