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The Advantages of Coffee Powder For The Healing Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

The Advantages of Coffee Powder For The Healing Of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Hendro S Yuwono
Unpad, Presented as a Poster in ATTD 2012 Barcelona, Spain, at February 8, 2012
Unpad, Presented as a Poster in ATTD 2012 Barcelona, Spain, at February 8, 2012

Ancient were told treating wounds with sel made coffee powder. Treatment of chronic ulcers due to diabetes is a problem until recently. Coffee powder has came into use in the traditional treatment of varying type of wounds in rural area of coffee plantation without any harmful complication was reported. Experiences that promise to encourage research. Habit at this point has been Similarly carried out also by the population in urban areas to treat various injuries, such as sharps injuries, burns, crushed because of a fall. Lily M.Perry in Medicinal plants of East and Southeast Asia: coffee powder has been used to treat burns. According to the experience of those who have frequently used the coffee powder, the wound usually to dry quickly and do not cause infection. Type of coffee used is any chance of coffee available in that area.

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