Profil Orientasi Masa Depan Bidang Pernikahan Pada Wanita Karir Usia 26-29 Tahun Yang Belum Menikah
Catri Damayanti, Langgersari Elsari Novianti, S.Psi. M.Psi.
early adulthood, future marriage orientation
Early adulthood requires a clear direction on marriage in order to have a successful engagement in the future. This is driven by the nature of marriage, that is one of the development task which early adults should have. Nurmi (1991) decribed a self-reflection in the future as “future orientation”. The purpose of this research is to see how unmarried career women put themselves in their future reflection, with the snowball sampling method on 40 respondents. Measuring instruments used in this study was a futue marriage orientation questionnaire that was developed based on the theory of future orientation by Nurmi (1991). The result showed 65% of the respondents stated that they have an unclear future orientation on marriage., whereas 35% of the respondents showed a clear future orientation on marriage.