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Effect of Beef Cattle and Horses Feces Mixture of Biogas Formation Process on Sludge Quality

Effect of Beef Cattle and Horses Feces Mixture of Biogas Formation Process on Sludge Quality
Hidayati, Y. A, Tb.Benito A.Kurnani, and E. T. MarLina
Proceeding of ICSAFS Unpad
Universitas Padjadjaran
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This study aims to determine the influence of a mixture feces of beef cattle and horse feces on the formation of biogas to the quality of sludge. The method used in this study is the experimental method in the laboratory using a completely randomized design with three treatments and six replications, ie P1 = C/N ratio of 25, P2 = C/N ratio of 30 and P3 = C/N ratio pf 35. To determine the effect of treatments, data were analyzed with ANOVA and Duncan Test. The results showed that the mixture of feces of beef cattle and horse feces significantly affected the content of N, P2O5 and K2O. Treatment of C/N ratio of 35 (P3) produced the highest N content (0.4817%), P2O5 (0.4383%) and K2O (0.3253%)

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