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Pengaruh Berbagai Kadar Air Terhadap Produksi Biogas Dari Feses Sapi Perah (Effect of Various Levels of Water on The Production of Biogas from Dairy Cattle Feces)

Pengaruh Berbagai Kadar Air Terhadap Produksi Biogas Dari Feses Sapi Perah (Effect of Various Levels of Water on The Production of Biogas from Dairy Cattle Feces)
Tb.Benito A.K, Udju D.Rusdi, Ellin Harlia, Yuli Astuti Hidayati
Unpad, Seminar Nasional Fakultas Peternakan Unpad ke-2 "Sistem Produksi Berbasis Ekosistem Lokal" ISBN : 978-602-95808-1-5
Unpad, Seminar Nasional Fakultas Peternakan Unpad ke-2 "Sistem Produksi Berbasis Ekosistem Lokal" ISBN : 978-602-95808-1-5
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This research aims to study the influence of water content of the biogas production and sludge from dairy cattle feces method used in this study is the experimental method using a completely randomized design, with three treatments (P1 = substrate water content of dairy cattle feces 40%, P2 = substrate water content of dairy cattle feces 60%, P3 = substrate water content of dairy cattle feces 80%) and repeated three times. Variable observed was the production of biogas, and sludge production. The results showed that the treatment significantly affected the production of biogas, to know the differences among the treatments performed Du can’s test, which showed that the P2 (substrate water content of dairy cattle feces 60%) prduced the highest biogas production (1.17 m3). No significant treatment of sludge production (15,53-15,88 kg)

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