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Deteksi Logam Berat Plumbum Dan Kadmium Pada Hati Kelinci (Detection Of Heavy Metal Plumbum And Cadmium On Rabbit Liver)

Deteksi Logam Berat Plumbum Dan Kadmium Pada Hati Kelinci (Detection Of Heavy Metal Plumbum And Cadmium On Rabbit Liver)
E.Harlia, D. Suryanto, Y. Astuti, E. T. Marlina, R.B. Hamdani,
Unpad, Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan UIN Suska Riau Tahun 2010 " Integrasi Pertanian dan Peternakan Menuju Swasembada Pangan"
Unpad, Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan UIN Suska Riau Tahun 2010 " Integrasi Pertanian dan Peternakan Menuju Swasembada Pangan"
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The number of residues heavy metals cadmium and plumbum entering into rabbit organs and tissues depenting on the interval of exposure, quantity ingested, production and reproductive phase and age. Some metal have important functions for life, whereas Pb and Cd has a biological function is unknown. This study aims to determine residual contents of Pb and Cd in rabbit hearts in the merchant area of rabbit satay Kecamatan Lembang, Research method used is the survey method and descriptive analysis and compared with the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) POM (1998) and MRL EPA (1995). The results showed that the average residue content of 2.3389 ppm Pb and the average content of heavy metal residues of 0.2798 ppm Cd in rabbit hearts have the MRL.