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Pengaruh Tinggi Pengomposan Feses Sapi Potong Dan Sampah Organik Terhadap Jumlah Bakteri Dan Koliform Pada Kompos

Pengaruh Tinggi Pengomposan Feses Sapi Potong Dan Sampah Organik Terhadap Jumlah Bakteri Dan Koliform Pada Kompos
Tb.Benito, Yuli Astuti Hidayat, Eulis Tanti Marlina
Unpad, Jurnal Penelitian Universitas Jambi Seri Sains Volume 12, Nomor 3.Hal.4-7 Agustus 2010 ISSN 0852-8349
Unpad, Jurnal Penelitian Universitas Jambi Seri Sains Volume 12, Nomor 3.Hal.4-7 Agustus 2010 ISSN 0852-8349
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This study aims to determine the effect of high-composting beef cattle manure and organic waste in the composting of total bacteria and coliform in compost. The method used in this study is the experimental method in the laboratory using a completely randomized design with three treatments and six replicates , ie P1 = 50 cm 3 high-composting, Y2 = 60 cm 3 and P3 = 70 cm 3. To determine the effect of treatment, the data obtained were analyzed by variance and Duncan test The results showed that the height of composting beef cattle manure and organic waste significantly affect the number of coliform bacteria and high in compost and composted beef cattle manure and organic waste 50 cm 3 (P3) yields the lowest number oi hacteria and coliform (bacteria number 6.77 x 109 and 8.67 x 10 3)

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