Injecting Drug Users in Indonesia : Towards a Comprehensive Care
Shelly Iskandar
Unpad, International Conference and Workshop on Psycho-Medico-Biotechnology, 2009
Unpad, International Conference and Workshop on Psycho-Medico-Biotechnology, 2009
The prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other viral blood/borne transmitted infections such as Hepatitis B and C has greatly increased in recent years in Indonesia [1, 2] whereby injecting drug use is mostly underlying this trend followed by heterosexual transmission [3]. Official publications reveal that the HIV prevalence rates among IDUs varied among Asian countries, ranging from 8-24% in Pakistan [4], 18-50% in China [5], 34% in Vietnam [4], and 38% in Thailand [6]. Indonesia has one of the highest HIV-prevalence rates among IDUs, wranging from 43 – 56% in official reports [7]. In order to reduce the spread of HIV, IDUs have to be targeted. However, IDUs is not a single entity. That is why there is no one response suitable for every condition of IDUs. Previous researches in various setting and experiences in Indonesia in comparison with other countries, will be outlined below.