Gambaran Mengenai Human Capital Pada Staf Bidang Pajak Pendaftaran Dan Bidang Pajak Penetapan Dinas Pelayanan Pajak Kota Bandung
Hilda Fauziah Adha, Dr. Anissa Lestari Kadiyono, M.Psi.
human capital
Countries to achieve national goals require some supporting elements, one of which is a source of revenue that is obtained by exploring sources of domestic funds in the form of taxes. Public services in the tax sector is one embodiment of the state apparatus functions as a public servant. Staff In Pajak Pendaftaran and Pajak Penetapan department of Dinas Pelayanan Pajak (Disyanjak) Bandung got worked in the form of tax revenue targets and targets of public services. The staff of Pajak Pendaftaran and Pajak Penetapan department os Dinas Pelayanan Pajak Bandung became an executor in meeting both these targets, because the staff was instrumental in addressing the direct payments and tax collection and doing direct service to the society. Dinas Pelayanan Pajak Bandung implement bureaucratic reforms to improve public services are carried out by staff in these areas. Therefore the analysis of human capital to seen the capital provided staff as a resource in omproving public services. The study was conducted on 39 staff in Pajak Penetapan department and 46 staff in Pajak Pendaftaran department. This study used a non-experimental quantitative research design by using a descriptive study method. Measuring instruments used in this study were the Human Capital questionnaire were prepared from Human Capital concepts of Peterson & Spiker (2005). The results indicated that staff in Pajak Pendaftaran dan Pajak Penetapan department have a tend to be high level on human capital, which mean at every turned in his work, staff tend to have the knowledge, experience, skills, attitude, values, and other personal attributes that have added value to the organization.