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Characteristic of Alveolar Bone Resorbtion in Chronic Periodontitis from CBCT

Characteristic of Alveolar Bone Resorbtion in Chronic Periodontitis from CBCT
Khoroni E, Epsilawati L,Oscandar F, Firman R
, , ,

In radiographic images of Chronic Periodontitis, the alveolar bone is resorption. Bone demineralization has been reported in Chronic Periodontitis. The decreasing of density value that caused resorption of alveolar bone can change.
The aim of this research is to determine the characteristic resorption from alveolar bone in Chronic Periodontitis patients.
This is a cross-sectional research, using a simple descriptive method, and the samples were taken from a population using a purposive sampling technique, with the result that from 5 radiograph of patients with chronic periodontitis archives can be obtained 101 alveolar bones Cone Beam Computed Tomography radiograph samples. Those data has been recorded, collected and presented in a tables and graphics form.
As the result of this research was to get description of characteristic from alveolar bone resorbtion in Chronic Periodontitis patients and to compare with characteristic from alveolar bone resorbtion in non Chronic Periodontitis to found it characteristic structure.
The conclusion from this research is on Chronic Periodontitis patients has been found characteristic from alveolar bone resorption.

Salah satu gambaran radiogafi dari penderita periodontitis kronis adalah resorpsi tulang alveolar. Demineralisasi tlang telah bayak dlaporkan dalam kondisi Periodontitis kronis. Kondisi ini menyababkan perubahan yang sangat mendasar pada kondisi tulag alveolar.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari gambaran karakteristik kerusakan tulang alveolar pada penderita Periodontitis kronis.
Penelitian ini bersifat survey deskriptif yang dilakukan secara crosssectional dengan sampel berjumlah 101 gigi dari 5 radiografi pasien. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melihat bentuk resorpsi tulang alveolar, besarnya penurunan puncak tulang alveolar serta keterlibatan furkasi dari tiap gigi yang diperiksa. Data diperoleh dengan memanfaatkan scant radiografi.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa terdapat kerakterisik tertentu pada resorbsi tulang alveolar pada penderita Periodontitis kronis.