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Membangun Perilaku Saling Mendukung Melalui Pelatihan Emphatic Listening Skill Dan Constructive Feedback Build Mutually Support Behavior Through Emphatic Listening Skill And Constructive Feedback Training

Membangun Perilaku Saling Mendukung Melalui Pelatihan Emphatic Listening Skill Dan Constructive Feedback Build Mutually Support Behavior Through Emphatic Listening Skill And Constructive Feedback Training
Ndaru Widi Ciptaningsih
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan mencari atau mendapatkan bukti empirik bahwa pelatihan empathic listening skill dan constructive feedback bisa meningkatkan perilaku saling mendukung antar sesama relawan di komunitas JMP. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan one group pre test – post test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan meningkatnya perilaku saling mendukung pada relawan dengan tidak adanya perbedaan signifikan skor emphatic listening skill dan constructive feedback antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pelatihan. Akan tetapi, data lainnya berupa hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa partisipan mengalami peningkatan pemahaman pentingnya emphatic listening skill dan constructive feedback dalam menigkatkan dukungan sosial di tempat kerja.

This study aims to obtain empirical data on the use of empathic listening skills, and constructive feedback in building social support behavior in JMP community in an effort to reduce burnout in co-victims of violence on women and children. This study aimed to obtain seek or obtain empirical evidence that the training of empathic listening skills and constructive feedback to improve the behavior of mutual support among fellow volunteers in the community JMP. The design of this study used a one group pre test – post test. The results of this study indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the increase in volunteer support each other’s behavior in the absence of a significant difference in scores empathic listening skills and constructive feedback between before and after the training. However, other data in the form of observation results showed that participants experienced an increased understanding of the importance of empathic listening skills and constructive feedback in improving social support in the workplace.

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